Center of the quality management in education


Participation in the All-Russian student school for quality of education in the town of Zelenogorsk, Saint-Petersburg

In the period from 20 to 24 October 2015 Fedisko Olga and two chairmen of the student committees on the quality of education - Blinova Julia (Department of Economics) and Romanets Tatiana (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) have been trained in the framework of the All-Russian student school for quality of education in the town of Zelenogorsk, Saint-Petersburg.

The main directions of the School was the discussion and the formation of technologies of students' participation in the process of improving the quality of education; mechanisms of interaction with employers, the system between educational organizations and enterprises technology professional self-determination of youth and student interaction with students.

The training program included workshops, seminars, business games on the following subjects: "Top 5 modern management tools to improve the quality of education: proposals for the application “, Student assessment of the quality of education: evaluation criteria, assessment mechanisms," "The competitiveness of the graduates in the labor market as a key indicator of quality education ", "Technology of involvement: Modern Approaches ", "Tools of facilitation: the organization of the processes of communication and decision-making in large groups ".

At the All-Russian student school on the quality of education was attended by representatives of the Quality Council of more than 30 universities in Russia. The experts of the All-Russian student school for quality education were the heads of the Commission for Education Quality Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs Anthony Schwindt, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the All-Russian public organization "Children and youth social initiatives" Sergei Tetersky, representative of the All-Russian Public Movement "For Quality Education “Elena Kozak etc.

At the end of the All-Russian student school quality projects have been developed featuring the student standard of quality education and the implementation of the Roadmap for the Student Quality Standard of Education, formed the key areas of student commissions on the quality of education in Russian universities. 

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