

School of life: how to avoid the danger of AIDS

Students of the Faculty of Economics, lecturers of the departments "Economic theory and economics of agriculture", "Entrepreneurship and the world economy" took part in events dedicated to the World AIDS Day. This year it was held under the motto: "Fulfill the promise. Stop AIDS."

According to official figures, more than 400,000 cases of HIV infection are annually recorded in Russia. Over the past five years, the epidemic has moved beyond vulnerable groups, and today affects all segments of the population including young people which are potentially a high risk group of contracting a dangerous disease. Given the urgency of this problem, a complex of measures on prevention of HIV and AIDS is taken in SSAU.

Head of the out-patient department of GBUZ "Stavropol Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases" infectious diseases doctor of the highest category O.A. Katova told the students of economic faculty how to prevent HIV infection among young people. The students were shown videos that reflect the epidemiological situation of HIV infection in Russia and Stavropol Territory, the causes and consequences of human infection with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, methods of treatment and the fight against dangerous virus. After the event, the students summed it up: need for solidarity in the face of a pandemic, a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, timely laboratory testing for HIV infection, promoting information about terrible disease prevention.

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