

What have we done for Stavropol region?

Social projects "Do not deprive yourself of tomorrow" implemented by volunteers of the university group "TOLK" became the winner of the regional competition of Civil Initiatives "What have we done for Stavropol region" which was held under the auspices of the Government of Stavropol Territory.

To participate in the competition there were received more than 70 applications from 23 municipalities of Stavropol, from more than 50 non-governmental organizations and associations of the region. All the projects were aimed at solving urgent problems of cities and districts of the region, improving the quality of life of Stavropol.

The project "Do not deprive yourself of tomorrow", a grantee of the North Caucasian Youth Forum "Mashuk - 2015", brought together more than 1,700 participants in the regional volunteer meetings and got a successful development in Stavropol Territory. Its author and leader is 3rd year student of Accounting and Finance Faculty Inna Kulieva. The project has repeatedly been named the best in the competitions of various levels: it confirms the victory in the All-Russian contest "Student activists" and the diploma of the winner of the regional contest "Territory free from dependence," and now the new recognition - the title of the winner of the competition of Civil Initiatives "What have we done for Stavropol Territory". 

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