

Visit to kids

Students of economics department of SSAU traditionally visit GKUZ KDS "Friendship". Here and on the eve of New year they proved that the most ordinary people are capable to create magic.

New year nearly the only day in a year when many of us remember that in life is a place to miracles.

On December 22, 2015 within the charity event "Present a Gift to Children" students and teachers of economics department visited sponsored in GKUZ KDS "Friendship" and arranged a holiday to kids, having made their life is slightly kinder and more cheerful. Traditionally for children gifts were prepared: books, toys, a stationery developing games, sweets.

Children with pleasure took part in the entertainment program prepared by students "Hi, Father Frost!". Children with pleasure answered questions of Father Frost and Snow Maiden, told New Year's verses, sang songs, guessed riddles. Action ended with the cheerful round dance which is followed by songs and ringing laughter.

Everything who supported an action of "Present a Gift to Children", many thanks from all its participants attention, human heat and care! 

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