Exchange of best practices


Developed in SSAU professional standard of purebred breeding is positively evaluated by researchers and practitioners

The draft professional standard "purebred breeding", prepared by experts of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the performance of the state task of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for 2016 was discussed today, July 9 in Federal state budgetary scientific institution "all-Russian Research Institute of Sheep Breeding and Goat Breeding".

Professor E. E. Epimahova, associate professors, M. E. Ponomareva, and A. V. Pankratov from the Agricultural University met with the Deputy Director for science of the research institution, the candidate of Agricultural Sciences G. T. Bobryshova and research staff A. A. Omarov, and S. S. Bobryshov. The discussion was also attended by chief specialist of the Department of livestock of the Ministry of Agriculture of the region Alexander Ivanov, Executive Director of the Stavropol Union of producers and processors of animal products N.N. Marchenko, head of Department of the state institution "Center of tribal resources" by D. N. Volny, chief specialists of agricultural production cooperatives breeding farm "Druzhba" I. I. Rursky and kolkhoz imeni Apanasenko O. N. Lychagina.

Special attention during the two-hour discussion was devoted to identifying the primary purpose of professional activity of the accounting clerk for breeding, as well as the individual job functions of the employee.

The meeting participants positively evaluated prepared in the University document. However, the representatives of the research Institute and agro-industrial complex of Stavropol territory have made proposals and additions in the project of professional standard. The Institute of additional professional education of SSAU also wished to conduct refresher courses for specialists of the agriculture of the region according to the requirements of professional standards in practice. 

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