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III all-Russian week of financial literacy for children and youth

Open lessons on the basis of educational modules for students with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Russia gave start to the Week in leading universities of the country, Stavropol State Agrarian University.

III all-Russian week of financial literacy for children and youth began its countdown on April 9 and will continue until April, 14 2017. Students of Аccounting and Finance faculty of SSAU under the supervision of the Department of financial management and banking April 11 participated in the open lesson "the basics of personal financial planning, or the Basics of financial literacy". I got the Deputy Minister of Finance of Stavropol territory Yury Ivanovich Suslov.

During the Week of financial literacy in the regions of Russia will host a series of free educational events for schoolchildren and students. So young Russians will be able to learn basic financial concepts and principles of financial literacy behavior, learn more about existing financial risks and the protection of their rights and discuss with experts competent approaches to making their first financial decisions.

The financial literacy week is held in the framework of the project of the Ministry of Finance, "enhancing financial literacy and developing financial education in the Russian Federation" to mark the International shares Global Money Week, which annually collects more than 3 million children in 118 countries worldwide.

Partners of the Week are the regional Ministry of Finance, financial institutions, educational institutions and public organizations, which conduct on their sites free lectures, workshops, excursions and games. 

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