Exchange of best practices


Topic of the day: modern sheep breeding

Scientists of SSAU took part in a national conference and a round table on development of sheep breeding and goat breeding.

The topic of discussion was the results of the 2015 sheep and goat breeding, the prospects of the industry in accordance with the objectives of the state program of development of agriculture in the country. The meeting was held at the all-Russian scientific research Institute of sheep and goat breeding. It was attended by representatives of the Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of industry and trade, regional agricultural agencies and business; NASB; leading scientists, shepherds, members of the Russian Union of entrepreneurs of textile and light industry; managers of agricultural enterprises of the eighteen regions of the Russian Federation.

- Stavropol State Agrarian University is the leading University of the Russian Federation, which conducted extensive research on issues related to the modern sheep - said before the meeting, the rector of SSAU Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

Stavropol is considered a breeding base of fine-wool production. Here a network of pedigree livestock breeding farms that supply the national economy with valuable raw materials, high-quality food products – meat, milk, cheese, wool. Today, the growth of production of sheep breeding are possible through the use of the latest achievements of scientific-technical progress. Sheep identified as priority agricultural sectors, and the development of the industry depends on the development and implementation of the integrated programme of action. 

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