Exchange of best practices


Discussing issues of development of agricomplex and rural territories of the South of Russia

On September,25 the Commission of Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for development of agriculture and rural areas in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and the regional office held a meeting at the Stavropol GAU.

In the framework of the "zero day" of the upcoming "Community" Forum organized by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chairman of Commission of the Russian Federation on development of the agro industrial complex and rural territories, Yevgeny Uvarkin held a meeting of Commission of the Russian Federation together with the Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee of Stavropol region on agrarian and land issues, nature management and ecology Viktor Nadein.

Before the meeting, the member of Council of Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Evgeny Uvarkin, the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation – Director of the Department of rural development Vladimir Swezhenets and the Director of the Department of market regulation of agriculture Anatoly Kutsenko made a tour of the faculties of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and were very impressed by what they have seen. 

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