Exchange of best practices


Pathologists of veterinary medicine discuss topical issues

The 19th International Scientific and Methodological Conference on Pathological Anatomy of Animals is held September 20-22 on the basis of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Colleagues are together again

The forum of pathoanatomists-veterinarians in the international format is held in Stavropol SAU not the first time, the previous meeting of such scale has taken place 10 years ago. The organizers of the current 19th International Conference "Actual Issues of Pathology, Morphology and Animal Therapy" were the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Stavropol and Ural State Agrarian Universities, the All-Russian Association of Pathologists of Veterinary Medicine.

On behalf of the rector of SSAU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Truhachev, the participants of the conference were greeted by the dean of the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management of the Stavropol State University of Agriculture, Ph. D. in veterinary science, Associate Professor Valentin Skripkin. He noted that this year the geography of its participants significantly expanded and covered 24 regions of Russia - from Moscow to Irkutsk, as well as researchers from Tatarstan, the Republic of Belarus and other countries - Vietnam and Syria. About 130 practitioners from more than 30 organizations, including three foreign and 22 Russian universities, researchers from research institutes and research centers, stations for fighting animal diseases, showed interest in the event. The actual materials of the conference will be published in the journals from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation - "Reporter of the agrarian and industrial complex of Stavropol", "Reporter of Krasnoyarsk GAU" and "Agrarian reporter of the Urals".

Further, V. Skripkin informed the audience about the achievements of the scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in educational, scientific and industrial activities and the most significant events in the life of the university of recent years.

The main condition for the full-fledged formation of professional competencies among students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in SSAU is a practice-oriented approach. Its successful implementation, as well as active interaction with strategic partners, gives positive results in the employment of graduates - up to 84%. The unique material and technical base of the faculty of veterinary medicine has already been selected by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia for the final of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists. Soon the faculty will become a platform for the holding of the industry Championship of professional skill in the sphere of agriculture according to the standards of the Wordskills Russia.

"I am very glad to be in this university now," the president of the All-Russian Association of Pathologists of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Honored Science Worker of Russia Lyudmila Ivanovna Drozdova said in her welcoming speech. - SSAU really deserves to be assembled here by eminent scientists and see how well the university is equipped, rich in traditions.

For the participants of the conference to feel the place and role of the scientists of the State Agrarian University in the spectrum of problems in the agrarian sphere of the region, a brief description of the current state of the agroindustrial complex of the Stavropol Territory was given in the past by Aleksey Rudenko, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory.

Today, when the social importance of the profession of the veterinarian for the health of the population of our country, its economic security and food independence is increasing, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of SSAU strives to train specialists ready to perform their duties at the highest possible level. After all, the price of even a single error of a veterinarian can be very high.

Science patanatomiya - was, is and will be

A historical "note" in the business communication of colleagues made an excursion dedicated to the organizers and participants of past conferences of pathologists of veterinary medicine. Participants of the forum made it thanks to Suleiman Suleimanov. The doctor of veterinary sciences, professor of the Voronezh State University named after Peter I stated: the traditions of such an important professional communication have been already for 57 years and it can not be lost, but it is necessary to develop it.

On the contrary, the president of the All-Russian Association of Pathologists of Veterinary Medicine, Lyudmila Drozdova, devoted herself to the development of pathological anatomy - the science of the material substratum of the disease - by talking about the future and prospects for the development of pathological anatomy. The head of the Chair of Morphology, Expertise and Surgery of the Ural State Agrarian University accent: despite the received chance, which is given to pathologists of veterinary medicine by the nature is to look into the depth of life on important process, often decorate their research work of scientists of very different profiles. But the main thing in the activity of the pathologist-veterinarian is the study of the essence of the processes occurring in the animal organism in a short period of time! Moreover, modern problems, like the very future of veterinary medicine, are closely linked to the comprehensive program for the development of the country's economy.

On the example of detailed studies, currently conducted in the environmentally unfavorable Sverdlovsk region, where about 2,500 enterprises operate, L. Drozdova spoke about the difficult situation with the incidence of young cattle, and later of adult cows under the influence of severe man-made pressure.

It is well known that at present there is no separate department of patanatomy in any university! However, as an independent science, she did not lose her face. This is partly due to the increased incidence of animal diseases, which are difficult for traditional therapy; return of defeated diseases; the need to prevent infectious diseases that occur in our country and penetrate from abroad. The special responsibility for the timely diagnosis and elimination of diseases places on veterinarians the presence of more than 150 diseases common to humans and animals.

- Pathological anatomy was, is and will be one of the main disciplines, - the head of the All-Russian Association of Pathologists of Veterinary Medicine LI Drozdova is convinced.

It is not necessary to doubt this. Otherwise, what else would a specialist put a "fatty point" in the posthumous diagnosis of a diseased animal ?! And he will do it, asking himself endless questions "how" and "why", examining the very essence of the disease. For what? So that the future for mankind will take place! 

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