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Stavropol SAU - RUSNANO: educational cooperation

The team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University successfully defended the report on the first stage of the contract "Development of an additional professional educational program for advanced training" Application of modern SNP-technologies of genotyping to improve the productive qualities of farm animals".

The factor of development of nanotechnologies in the Russian Federation is a significant improvement in the staffing of organizations and enterprises that develop and use nanotechnology. Stavropol State Agrarian University, having a high level of scientific research, became the winner in the announced tender for the development of a program in this interdisciplinary area for the development of professional skills.

Within the framework of the agreement with the Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs "RUSNANO" (Moscow) from January 16, 2017, SSAU is the developer of an additional professional educational program "Application of modern SNP-technologies of genotyping to improve the productive qualities of farm animals." This program has no analogues, it is unique in content, approach to the educational process and is extremely relevant for the future development of SNP-technologies (sequencing of a new generation) in agriculture.

In agreement with the enterprise-customer LLC Innovative Diagnostic Systems (Moscow), the next step for the development team will be the approbation of the program on a pilot team of specialists. This will allow the program to be finalized taking into account the requirements of real production, relying on the existing experience of the employees.

It should be noted that the system of advanced training in the Stavropol State Automobile Research University is capable of solving problems at two levels. The first - provides the staffing needs of investment projects in order to increase their level of realizability, the second - the development of the human resources of the Russian Federation as a whole. According to the developers, the educational program created by the Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs will have a high distribution potential among the core businesses. 

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