Exchange of best practices


Field day 2017

The workshop in the village of Rashevatskaya Novoaleksandrovsky district was organized by farm enterprise Kolesnikov A.P., Stavropol State Agrarian University, Bayer Company and PhosAgro LLC.

The welcoming speech was addressed to the participants by the head of the farm Alexander Petrovich Kolesnikov. The workshop was attended by the staff of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology of Stavropol State Agrarian University. Head of the department Maxim Sergeevich Sigida made a presentation on "The results of ongoing production experiments to determine the effectiveness of liquid complex fertilizers."

During the seminar the following issues were considered:

- "New means of protection of field crops from the company" Bayer "- presented by the regional field marketing manager of "Bayer" firm in the North Caucasus region A. P. Konovalov;

- "The results of ongoing production experiments to determine the effectiveness of liquid complex fertilizer application," reported by G.G. Filippov, head of the barley laboratory at the Kalinenko Research Institute for Barley Studies;

- "PhosAgro" is a Russian vertically integrated company, one of the world's leading producers of phosphate-containing fertilizers "- presented by S.P. Filipov, Deputy Commercial Director of LLC" PhosAgro Stavropol ";

- "Morphological, biological and agrotechnical features of winter soft wheat. New varieties "- the theme was highlighted by the candidate of agricultural sciences, head of the laboratory of winter soft wheat of the GNU VNIIZK O. V. Skripka. 

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