Exchange of best practices


The physicotechnical problems of creating new technologies in the agro-industrial complex

The 14th International Scientific and Practical Conference has traditionally gathered the scientific forces of higher education institutions and colleges of the North Caucasus Federal District on the basis of Stavropol SAU.

In tune with the times

The plenary meeting, held on May 20, was opened by the dean of the Electric Power Faculty, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Metrology Maxim Alekseevich Mastepanenko. On behalf of the leadership of the Stavropol State University, he welcomed fellow scientists from fraternal universities - the North Caucasus Federal and Kuban Agrarian Universities, as well as representatives of the Blagodarny Agrotechnical School.

- Scientific work is an integral part of university activities. And we all need to live up to the spirit of the times, be aware of all the technological changes, "said the organizer of the conference, M. A. Mastepanenko, who recently took part in the regular module of the five-month Skolkovo Business School program" Rector's Staff Reserve ". - Especially since the higher school has been facing the epoch of serious reform, and the science in the format of the university is inextricably linked with the educational process.

The plenary session was continued by the report of Sergey V. Oskin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Electrical Machines and Electric Drives of KubSAU "Introduction of Electrotechnologies into Beekeeping", which plays an important role in the agroindustrial complex of Russia, primarily because bees are the main pollinators of entomophilous agricultural plants.

Where should we look for reserves of efficiency of Russian beekeeping?

It is known that the total effect of pollination due to an increase in yield is 20 times higher than the total value of all beekeeping products produced. In addition, bees produce important and healthy products: honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, which are also the main source of income for beekeepers. In the opinion of Professor S.V. Oskin, a serious feature of Russian beekeeping is the fact that 95% of bee colonies are concentrated in personal subsidiary plots. But the mechanization, electrification and automation of labor-intensive technological operations in the country's apiaries are almost at the level of the 19th century!

This state of the industry greatly reduces labor productivity, increases the cost of production of beekeeping and makes the produced honey uncompetitive in comparison with imported. The Russian consumer, in turn, receives poor quality honey from the countries of Central Asia and South and Central America, which negatively affects the country's food security. The problem of importing cheap honey complicates the life of domestic producers and plays an important role in its pricing. The beekeeper should strive to increase the varietal honey production of bee colonies, as there is a tendency to increase the price of certain types of honey.

In the EU countries - in Finland, Canada, Poland, Germany, Serbia - beekeeping is technologically advanced. "In Finland, some beekeeping farms which contain more than 3 thousand bee colonies, are serviced by four beekeepers, while bees are unguarded more than 120 apiaries, which is impossible on the territory of the Russian Federation," Oskin cites.

As a result of the analysis of the best experience of beekeeping in more than 76 countries, it is established that the highest productivity of labor in industrial apiaries of the USA and Canada. However, in recent years, China, Argentina, Mexico, and India have become the leaders. "When pumping honey abroad, as a rule, only radial honey extractors are used. Their high productivity is achieved due to the creation of large honey combs, accommodating from 16 to 256 frames; Pumping is carried out immediately from two sides, - explained Sergey Vladimirovich. - It is possible to build automatic production lines for pumping honey, in which the frame from trimming comb capping to the cassette in the honey extractor and from it moves without the help of the operator.

The speaker could not fail to mention another Russian problem-the use of ineffective and toxic methods of veterinary and sanitary treatments. It turns out that even the best honey of the country - from the state nature reserves of Bashkiria or Mostovskoy district of the Krasnodar Territory - does not comply with the veterinary and sanitary standards of the EU. Indices of the content of antibiotics, fungicides and other foreign elements in it many times exceed the maximum permissible concentrations! Meanwhile, in many countries of the world, the use of antibiotics in beekeeping is generally prohibited.

"And although Russia has a great potential for honey production, because of the low productivity of labor in this sector of agricultural production and the inadequate quality of honey, our country cannot enter the market with this product and compete with leading countries," complains the doctor of technical sciences, Professor S.V. Oskin.

Despite the fact that Russia occupies the 8th place in the total production of honey and the 2nd place in the number of bee colonies, when calculating the amount of honey per one bee colon, the indicators are very low compared to other countries: the USA - 36 kg, Russia - only 10 Kg. Thanks to the research conducted at the Department of Electrical Machines and Electric Drives of KubSAU, a formula was obtained to assess the profitability of labor in beekeeping. It turned out that our country is only on the 7th place in terms of labor productivity and the total collection of honey.

In addition, the "Kuban" developed methods and means to improve the production of bee products. Thus, a system of automatic electrical heating and electro-ozonization with the use of low ozone concentrations proved to be a good idea. It creates an optimal temperature regime, reduces the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms and the humidity of the intra-mountain air, improves its gas composition. At the same time, the intensity of spring development of bee colonies is increased by 40%, average honey production by 30%. And the harvest of May honey from the white acacia rises to 100%!

A big problem in beekeeping is the fight against varroatosis - a mite that infects the bee larvae. Scientists of KubGAU instead of aggressive chemical methods proposed to use for processing ozone dissolved in electroactivated water, absolutely safe for humans. There is also a contribution of Krasnodar innovators to the process of pumping honey. They developed an adjustable electric drive, which reduces the laboriousness of pumping 3 times! As a result of the above-mentioned innovations in the Krasnodar Territory - the introduction of electrotechnology and the four-time pitching of honey for the season, the profitability of labor increased from 4,550 to 8,832 dollars / person.

Energy from nowhere will not serve people

About how the achievements of colleagues from the Kuban State Agrarian University became the impetus for conducting experiments on the use of non-traditional sources of energy and allowed to draw important conclusions, Dr. Vladimir Alekseevich Halyutkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physics of the Stavropol State University, reported in his report "The Mechanism for Converting Work into Heat". As a result of experiments at the Electric Power Department of SSAU, a self-adjusting hydrodynamic water heater was developed, which does not have a cold stream at the outlet, but only hot water. "We plan to use it with the drive of the pump from the vertically rotating shaft of the windmill," Vladimir Alekseevich shares. "The complete installation of the rotor wind power station at the polygon of non-traditional energy sources of the agrarian high school will be completed soon."

His scientific hypothesis was also put forward by future candidate of technical sciences, electrical engineer of the Department of PESEC of the Stavropol State University, Igor Viktorovich Devedorkin in his report "Parameters justification and operating modes of the synchronous generator as part of the autonomous wind power supply system for the sheep house." The urgency of the work is emphasized by the fact that 70% of Russian territories are devoid of electricity or are experiencing serious wear and tear. As an object of introduction, the young scientist decided to take a type of sheep farm that was remote from the transmission line, with a sheep amount of up to one thousand heads. I must say that this report provoked a heated discussion in the scientific ranks, and the speaker was asked a lot of acute questions. The speaker was very grateful, as the defense of the dissertation by I.V. Devedorkin will take place in the coming month. 

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