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Russian livestock: a look into the future

The plenary session of the conference "Innovative Technologies in Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Industry", held within the framework of the 82nd regional scientific and practical conference "Agrarian Science - North Caucasus Federal District" was held on April 26 at the faculties of veterinary medicine and technological management of the State Agrarian University.

The vice-rector for scientific and innovative work of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the candidate of veterinary sciences, the senior lecturer Vitaly Morozov and the director of the All-Russia scientific research institute of sheep and goat breeding, the doctor of biological sciences, the professor of the Russian Academy of Science Marina Ivanovna Selionova addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech.

Ivan Aleksandrovich Kopylov, head of the Livestock, Fisheries and Breeding Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the UK, reported on the status and prospects of livestock development in the Stavropol Territory. The audience was introduced to the audience by Geladze Vakhtang Shotaevich, head of the Laboratory for Standardization, Certification and Validation of Technological Processes of the Stavropol Biotech Factory, with advanced methods of vaccine prevention of pasteurellosis of farm animals. The questions of perspective researches in increasing the efficiency of the use of genetic potential in sheep and goat breeding were revealed by the deputy director for scientific work of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Industry, candidate of agricultural sciences Galina Timofeevna Bobryshova. The audience was represented by Andrei Ashotovich Naghdalyan, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Meat and Canned Food Technology at the North Caucasus Federal University, who reviewed the possible ways of implementing discharge-impulse technologies in the food industry. Alexey Alekseevich Pokotilo, candidate of agricultural sciences, senior lecturer of the department of private zootechny, breeding and breeding of animals at the faculty of technological management of the Stavropol State University, informed the participants of the conference about the modern technologies of milk cows' productivity and milk quality evaluation according to the recommendations of the International Committee for Registration of Animals (ICAR).

All reports aroused a keen interest of the audience and became the topic of a discussion. The program of the conference will continue at the sessions of the sections that will be held in the next two days. In the format of the sections, it will be possible to address not only the faculty, but also graduate students, students and masters of the two faculties. Based on the materials of the three-day conference work, a collection of scientific articles of more than 300 scientists in the field of veterinary and animal husbandry of the Russian Federation and CIS countries will be published. 

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