Exchange of best practices


On the status of animal breeding in Stavropol Territory: round-table dialogue

Scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University headed by the rector of University, member of RAS, Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev attended the meeting held on 2 March at the Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory under the guidance of Director of the Department of Cattle Breeding of Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation, member of RAS Amerkhanov C.A.

Vladimir Nikolayevich Sitnikov, the Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory opened the round-table meeting. The head of regional agricultural department drew the attention of the head of Federal Department of Charon Adievich Amerkhanova to the presence of the heads of stud farm of Stavropol Territory at the meeting, thanks to their work kept livestock breeding, sheep breeding, meat-animal production are available in our region.

First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory Alexei Vladimirovich Rudenko reported about variation of measures of State support within the federal and territorial budgets in 2017, the forecast rates for one cattle unit and new opportunities for reallocation of funds to priorities. The speaker highlighted some of the results of the last year in terms of state support, that is carried out in three directions: support for breeding, dairy and meat cattle breeding, the total amount is almost 177 million rubles. for 54 recipients.

Minister Sitnikov V.N. addressed the heads of stud farms with request to make informed decisions because state support measures are not subject for bargaining.

Director of the Department, Amerhanov C.A., reminded the participants of important conversation that the instructions of Russian President, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation to provide the domestic textile industry by domestic raw materials, there will be amended in the existing documents. "Sheep breeding in general receives not less than 1.5 billion rubles in year. And these funds are allocated with the hope that we will still provide domestic textile industry by fine and fine-medium staple! "- Charon Adievich appealed to the attendees of head of sheep farms with stern appeal "to meet requirements of country's leader".

Further, there was report of professor of Private animal husbandry, selection and animal breeding of the Faculty of Technological Management of SSAU, Sergei Alexandrovich Oleynik, on the results of the University development work of an effective management system in dairy cattle breeding.

In Stavropol State Agrarian University under the guidance of member of RAS Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, on the instructions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, there was developed highly productive regional genetic resources management system in dairy cattle breeding. In accordance with ICAR recommendations, the subdivisions have been established: control-assistance service, for performance the database the most highly productive cows was formed; expert service; Reference Laboratory of milk quality evaluation; genetic control laboratory.

Selection method of individual samples of raw milk and deliver them in cooled by purpose-built vehicle to the laboratory are available. Specialists-participants in the project have been retrained in the famous Finnish livestock-breeding corporation FABA. The work itself is carried out in the Stavropol leading stud farms, the total population is 20.6 thousand cattle, including 9.3 thousand are Cows. In fact, the selection and breeding program for improving the exteriors characteristics of dairy cattle breeding has been developed in the region.

The result of university laboratory, on the basis of the Order of Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation № 522 dated November 21, 2016 granted the status of breeding laboratory of quality control of milk, perfected the system operational monitoring of individual samples of raw milk quality. It allows you to generate gross batch of milk in line with European quality parameters and is significantly superior to the existing rules.

Implementation of ICAR methodology helped scientists of SSAU to find critical point in the dairy farming development - during enhanced studying of rat of expansion of known genetic anomalies among highly productive dairy cattle.

Development of university researchers had approval in the ICAR Secretariat (Rome, Italy), as well as on the fact of their testing at the International specialized exhibition of animal husbandry and livestock breeding "Agrofarm - 2017", "Cattle" section (Exhibition Center, Moscow).

Head of Veterinary Manaagement of Stavropol Territory, Alexander Nickolaevich Tregubov, in his speech touched on critical problem that arising in connection with the enforcement of the Law (starting from March 2017) the regionalization of the Rules of infectious animal diseases in the Russian Federation, including those relating to limitation of livestock movement, importation of milk from neighboring regions and others. Although this document claims to be a legal act, in fact it is not, which leads to enormous difficulties due to his prematurity and "raw" format.

After the keynote speakers there were replicas and various questions, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Amerhanov C.A. provided convincing responses and explanations.

The position of Director of Department of Cattle Breeding of Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, member of RAS, Charon Adievich Amerkhanov is unequivocal: "The population do not reduced. Save sheep breeding at all costs! Stavropol region has always been a mecca of sheep breeding, but now sheep is almost in the Red Book". However, Amerhanov is sure that "there are no faults in sheep breeding" and many questions need to refine both localy and the federal level.

According to Amerkhanov: "Agriculture of Stavropol Territory has a large reserve to increase the production of dairy and meat cattle breeding due to the implementation of the existing genetic potential of animals breeding and commercial flock, as well as the introduction of achievements and best practices in the field of animal husbandry."

A similar position has taken another Academician, Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University Trukhachev V.I.: "We have always lived by cattle breeding and can’t lose it. Many thanks to apanasenkovtsam and other leaders of the farms that have kept sheep breeding. All honor to those who are engaged in cattle breeding now! ".

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