Exchange of best practices


Effective dialogue between two leading agrarian universities of the country

Sharing experiences with colleagues from Russian State Agrarian University - Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy (RSAU-TMAA OR RSAU – MAA named after K.A. Timiryazev) was held in a positive and businesslike manner, outlined new directions of cooperation.

For two days, Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the representatives of Russian State Agrarian University - Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy. The delegation of base agrarian university included: Acting Director of Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining - Apatenko Alexander Sergeevich, Dean of Advanced Training Faculty – Alexander Mikhailovich Bakshtanin and Head of the Department of History and Agrarian Tourism - Alexander Borisovich Orishev. The purpose of visit of colleagues - to learn about the experience of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism Faculty, as well as Institute of supplementary vocational education Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Rector of SSAU, the member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev met up with guests from Moscow, told them about core areas of Academic staff, and gave a tour of the University.

A.S. Apatenko, A.M. Bakshtanin and A.B. Orishev visited the Faculty of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism. Vice-Dean Valentina Sergeevna Varivoda recounted about learning experience of students who are on their way to becoming professionals of hospitality field. The guests visited lecture rooms of the Faculty, attended the desk and practical studies.

Director of Institute of supplementary vocational education Olga Mikhailovna Lisovaya, staff off this department of SSAU in concert with representatives of Russian State Agrarian University - Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy discussed in details mainstays of implementation of supplementary vocational education programs, the visitors saw the work of Advanced Training Faculty, contract-training centers, Health and Safety Authority, driving schools of SSAU.

In the course of productive exchange of views were found shared fields and directed the ways of future co-operation of two leading Agrarian Universities.

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