Exchange of best practices


Personnel still decide everything!

Stavropol State Agrarian University in cooperation with the Ministry of labor and social protection of population of Stavropol region held on October 21 II Professional forum « Professional policy - a new look and modern approaches», in which about 250 people attended.

The representatives of executive authorities and local self-government of municipalities, associations of trade unions and employers, scientific, educational and social organizations gathered in Stavropol traditionally Stavropol State Agrarian University for the effective exchange of information and the definition of development and reproduction of the human capital in our region. In the field of view were the best practices proven leading companies in the region. Geography expanded regional forum participants, who came to share experiences from Rostov, Voronezh, St. Petersburg and Moscow.

A new look at the real situation with the staff, who continue to «decide everything», stated in his report the Ministry of labor and social protection of population Ivan Ulyanchenko, opened the plenary session of the forum. The Minister informed the audience that the idle hands in the labor market is not enough, and this high demand for skilled workers in the future will exacerbate another problem - the demographic. However, only for investment projects will require about 5500 highly skilled workers. Speaking about the implementation in production activities of professional standards, the speaker stressed about the upcoming in 2017 the development and actualization of more 180 professional standards. Noting the high performance of last year's HR Forum II thanked Ulyanchenko Stavropol State Agrarian University Rector Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev for their cooperation in its organization, and expressed willingness to consider all constructive suggestions from the participants and wished them a productive dialogue.

On what opportunities open collaboration with the University of Agricultural enterprises of AIC edge and current trends, in his speech, he highlighted the director of the Institute of additional professional education Stavropol State Agrarian University Olga Lisova. She noted that the university today is a driver for the development of villages and agricultural enterprises of Stavropol. Over the 86-year period for the agricultural sector institution has issued about 135 thousand highly qualified specialists with agronomists, veterinarians, economists, accountants, engineers, agricultural engineers, who work successfully in all spheres of economy of the region.

Meanwhile, the involvement of employees of agricultural enterprises themselves, with extensive practical experience in the practical level of training future cadres more extreme is not sufficient, as well as existing a few examples of social responsibility agronomic business. In her opinion, it is required to break the negative stereotype of the consumer attitude to the university, which supposedly should only give, as in high school and still need to invest. Only in this way will the partnership with the production of productive, with a wide range of mutually beneficial ties for the future of region and country.

In the future, an exchange of views continued the chief of the personnel department of state and municipal services and awards of the government of Stavropol region Elena Karpova, then deputy director of the FBU «Federal Resource Center» Vladimir Danshin. Particular emphasis he made in the Presidential program of training for the national economy of the Russian Federation on the basis of 90 universities of the country and the alleged practice in Germany, Japan, France and neighboring countries. In 2015 this practice-oriented training passed 422 specialists. The plenary meeting of the President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Stavropol region Boris Obolenets, has chosen the theme of the introduction of independent performance evaluation of staff.

The subject of wider discussions on the forum, in the framework of the five round tables, became the theme: «Effective personnel policy - the energy and growth of organizations of the region»; «Regulated labor market and effective employment of the population - as a result of interaction between employment services and employers»; «Program management training - a platform for new ideas and connections»; «Preservation and development of human resources on the basis of socio-partnership»; «The new role of additional vocational education institutions in the transition to the professional requirements of the standards».

Professional forum - 2016 ended with the adoption of the resolution, which makes recommendations management personnel, civil service, and award-winning device government of Stavropol region, the regional ministry of labor and social protection of population, education and youth policy, as well as the executive authorities, local government municipalities and urban districts. 

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