Exchange of best practices


Moscow Forum «Russian Rural Area 2016»

Agro-industrial potential of the Stavropol Region was presented at the Forum by the delegation of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work Vitaly Yuryevich Morozov made a presentation on trends and prospects of cooperation between the agricultural universities and agricultural enterprises in improving training of highly qualified personnel for agriculture of the Russian Federation on the experience of SSAU.

Deputy Dean on educational work of Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism Valentina Sergeevna Varivoda in her speech "Tourism as a driver of rural development in Russia" told about the plans and the steps taken in the University for the development of ethno-tourism.

Sergey Alexandrovich Oleynik, Igor Vladimirovich Kulaev and Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev took part in the exhibition, the stands of which were presented the achievements of SSAU in the areas of quality management and productivity of the dairy herd, 3-D design, as well as consolidating the young minds in solving urgent tasks of our time.

More than hundreds of agricultural firms from 20 regions of Stavropol and Krasnodar Regions, Mordovia and Udmurtia took part in the Forum. Private farms presented their natural, organic products. 16th Russian Cup on bakery also was held in the framework of the Forum.

The forum was attended by over 5 thousand specialists and their aim was to promote the development and strengthening of various forms of managing in agro-industrial complex, and also increase the efficiency of measures for development of agricultural production, the revival of the Russian village. It was supported by the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on agrarian questions and Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation. 

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