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International scientific-practical conference "New technologies in the agriculture and food industry with the use of electro-factors and ozone"

On the 10th of June 2016 there was International scientific-practical conference "New technologies in the agriculture and food industry with the use of electro-factors and ozone" in the electricity department.

The organizers of the conference were:

Stavropol State Agrarian University

North-Caucasian Federal University

Kuban State Agrarian University

Azov-Black Sea State Academy of Agricultural Engineering.

The plenary session was opened by Vice President for Academic and educational work I.V. Atanov, continued Dean of the Faculty of electricity Mastepanenko M.A., Head of RTCs Y.A. Bezgina, as our friends the conference, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of electric machines and electric "Kuban State Agrarian University" Oskin Sergey Vladimirovich.

At the plenary session of the great interest aroused by the report Kurchenko N.Y. - Ph.D., assistant of the Department EMiEP electricity department Kuban State Agrarian University

on the topic: "Study the possibility of using electro-activated water in agriculture."

Student of physics Livinsky S.A. made a presentation on the topic: "The voltage converter to set the seed treatment."

After lunch, the conference continued at section meetings (aud.№100, №202, electricity department).

Holding this conference with the participation of teachers and students has become a tradition for physics. The result of a scientific conference will be a collection of articles, "New technologies in the agriculture and food industry with the use of electro-factors and ozone", which will consist of staff and specialists from various universities. 

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