Exchange of best practices


"Agrouniversal 2016" - demonstration area of scientific achievements of SSAU

Today, March 30 in the framework of the XVIII «Agrouniversal 2016" specialized agricultural exhibition will be opened the exhibition of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

It will be held at the Exhibition Center of Mikhailovsk at 1:00 p.m. hours. University of exposition - one of the central exhibition. This year will be widely vailable products and resource-hothouse hothouse University complex: vegetables grown in greenhouses with advanced agronomic techniques, unique herbal teas, vegetable seedlings and others.

Also, visitors will get acquainted with the achievements of breeders of the University, in particular in the production of high-quality eco-friendly meat and dairy products. All departments SSAU prepared information and demos of their scientific achievements and developments. 

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