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Professors of SSAU presented in Moscow reports about the problems of reproduction in the domestic agro-industrial complex

Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Global Economy PhD, Professor N.V. Bannikova and Professor of the Department of Financial Management and Banking T.G. Gurnovich took part in the III International Scientific Conference "Reproduction in Russia in the XXI century: the dialectic of controlled development" devoted to the 80th anniversary of the publication of the book of J .M. Keynes “General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”.

The conference was held in Moscow at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. The reports of our scientists have been devoted to the problems of reproduction in the domestic agricultural sector.

The urgency of the issues raised by the Stavropol scientists, due to the fact that intensive education on the basis of the growing productive forces agribusiness associations can achieve improved cooperation of labor, working conditions align more closely clamp science and production, accelerate technical process innovation in manufacturing. During the reproduction of domestic agriculture should be dealt with economic and social challenges. Without scientific and practical solution to the issue of new sources of development such as industrial sources, stable, fundamental and long-term it is unthinkable a practical solution to any social and economic problems of our country. Especially in the face of economic sanctions the West and the objective constraints raw materials export model.

Participants also took part in the "round tables". The conference served as a platform for a broad interdisciplinary discussion of key problems of modern Russia in a changing world and to identify ideas, models and mechanisms reorient national policy towards the new industrialization based on priority development of hi-tech production, integrated with the latest achievements of science and education. 

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