Exchange of best practices


Agronomists-practitioners were trained on the basis of SSAU innovative agrochemical analysis laboratory

At the department of agricultural chemistry and plant physiology were held classes for additional vocational education training program on "Innovative technologies in crop production" for agronomists Ltd Agricultural company "Zolotaya Niva"

The company is among the 100 most profitable agricultural producers in Russia. As part of the activities on the basis of the innovation lab "Agrochemical Analysis" highlighted the urgent questions: calculation of norms of fertilizers and preparation of fertilizers and crop rotation on the basis of soil and agrochemical examination, particularly of fertilizing crops on the basis of early spring and functional diagnostics. Courses were given by doctor of agricultural sciences, professor - A. N. Esaulko, candidates of agricultural sciences, associate professors M.S. Sigida and E.V . Golosnoy.

During sessions an active discussion held on the use of fertilizers in the system of accurate and traditional farming. 

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