Exchange of best practices


Representatives of the largest companies of the North Caucasus met at a forum in SSAU

Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the Fifth Forum of the largest companies of the North Caucasus "Made in the North Caucasus: tools for the producer." The goal of the Project is to create conditions for dialogue between authorities and business, to promote the modernization and the penetration of modern technology in small and medium businesses operating in the production of the region with the help of modern solutions in the main areas of work of industrial companies.

Top managers of medium and large enterprises in North Caucasus Federal District, representatives of authorities, business associations, media, teachers of the SSAU discussed key issues and priorities of the economic development of the region. Participants talked about the production niches for small and medium businesses in the North Caucasus, the possibilities for industrial parks and clusters, development of industrial policy in the region, the regional companies, supporting projects with a Federal perspective, as well as the marketing strategy of the region.

Each region is interested in being represby ented at the Federal and global markets stable consumer brands. Perception of the region as a whole depends on it as well. For the North Caucasus Federal District this problem is especially important - for our district and other regions of Russia it is essential to be able to convey information about what non-commodity goods are produced today in the North Caucasus. It is equally important to create conditions for the successful development of regional brands. Successful experience of regional companies, created their own brands, has received recognition at the Federal level, should be adopted with new applicants, which invariably will contribute to the development of the regional economy.

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