Exchange of best practices


The program of training technical personnel in action

Stavropol State Agrarian University received a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the departmental target program of training technical personnel in 2015-2016. to conduct courses and study trips. Preparation and implementation of the grant is the result of team work of the Institute of additional professional education (the coordinator O. M. Lisova), educational and scientific testing laboratory (the head G.P. Starodubtseva), the head of the Department of Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products O.V. Sychev (the head of the program) and GBU Director of SC "Center of testing the quality of products" L.V. Fissenko.

In SSAU, the training courses on the program "Developing, implementing and maintaining food safety management, based on the principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)"has already started, which was attended by more than thirty people from different companies in Stavropol and Stavropol Territory. Classes are conducted by the teachers of the university, professor Sychev O.V., associate professor E.V. Khokhlov and practitioners: the director of the Center for testing the quality of products L.V. Fissenko (Stavropol), the chief expert consultant on management systems USC Service A.G. Pimenov (Saratov). The success of the course specifically contributes to the availability of published educational materials: training manuals and workbook for workshops, training and conducting classes in the classrooms equipped with multimedia teaching tools.

On completion of the course, all participants will receive a certificate of professional development, a number of students (by prior arrangement) held an study trip at the leading enterprises of the Russian Federation and Germany who have implemented a management system of food safety. 

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