Exchange of best practices


Rectors of Russian Agrarian Universities gathered for the seminar in Stavropol

All-Russian seminar of rectors of Agrarian Universities started on September, 17 at the Stavropol State Agrarian University The main theme of the meeting is to discuss the development strategy of the system of agrarian education and training personnel for agriculture.

Among the topics discussed at the seminar such acute issues as current status and problems of agricultural education, labour market in the agricultural sector, improving the quality of education. The agenda consists of 14 issues covering the resource and staffing system of agricultural education and the development of science, international cooperation and the formation of an integrated system of multi-level education. Rectors of the leading agricultural universities of Russia have presented their reports devoting the acute topics of the seminar.

During the round table discussion rectors of agricultural universities will meet the representatives of agribusiness to discuss main issues of training necessary specialists and who nan meet the needs of employers.

On the second day of the seminar rectors will take a qualification improvement course. 

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