Exchange of best practices


During the Field Day scientists got acquainted with the latest achievements of breeding and seed production

Agrobiology and Land Resources Fculty’s staff headed by the Dean, professor A. N. Esaulko participated in the Field Day, held on the basis of the Krasnodar research Institute of agriculture. The use of new breeding techniques, fitotron-greenhouse complex, standardization and unification of field experiments allowed scientists to carry out the intensive breeding of major crops in large volumes. The structure of the research institute and the results of scientific research of the SSAU were represented by the Director of the Institute, academician of RAS, professor Alexander Romanenko, the Head of the Department of breeding and seed production of wheat and triticale, the corresponding member of RAS, professor Ludmila Bespalova, the Head of laboratory of breeding of wheat for disease resistance Irina Ablova, the Head of barley breeding Sergey Levshtanov and the Head of the laboratory Valentina Brezhneva.

It is worth noting that the cooperation agreement signed between the SSAU and KSRI in March, brings the first results – three students of the Aagronomy specialty have practical training at the Institute. Heads of departments expressed their deep appreciation to the faculty for the professional preparation of students.

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