Ecology and energy


Participation in the board meeting of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Stavropol region.

Associate Professor of the Department of ecology and landscape architecture Yulia A. Mandra took part in the board of the regional Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, where the Ministry’s performance review for the past year was discussed.

After discussing such an important issue, the participants noted that the environmental situation in the Stavropol region can be considered as favorable. That was confirmed by the results of the state environmental monitoring. In 2016 maintaining of the regional waste management inventory was continued. It contains information about 254 sites, including nine solid municipal waste landfills, 147 authorized and 98 unauthorized dumps. Board members discussed the results of the work of local authorities on the identification and preliminary assessment of environmental damage.

It was noted that environmental issues in recent years were among the key in the national agenda. The current year has been declared the Year of Ecology and the Year of specially protected natural territories by the presidential decree. More and more attention is paid to preservation of the environment, more changes are made in the legislation, waste management system is improved. Stavropol region was among the first territories that adopted the territorial waste management scheme. At the end of the 1st quarter of the current year it is planned to held a tender for selecting the regional operator of waste management.

As a result of the board meeting the need for public involvement in solving environmental issues in the region was noted, as well as joint events dedicated to the Year of the specially protected natural areas in the Stavropol region were discussed. 

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