Ecology and energy


Scientists of SSAU at the board meeting of the Stavropol Ministry of Natural Resources discussed the preparation for fire season

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Stavropol Territory held an enlarged meeting of the board, which was attended by teachers of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction.

Associate professors Y.A. Mandra and I.O. Lysenko took an active part in the work of the board, they discussed the problem of determining the zones of protection of hunting resources, the results of the forestry and timber enterprises in preparation for a fire-dangerous season of 2016, and the results of the spring silviculture. The participants spoke about the plans of suppression of forest fires on the territory of the forest areas, the master plan to extinguish forest fires, establishment of an operational headquarters for the protection of forests against fire.

Because of most forest fires occur every year as a result of the transition of fire from adjacent agricultural lands, the Ministry of Environment has taken a number of additional measures to ensure fire safety in the forests. In particular, forest land users specified registry whose agricultural land adjacent to the lands of the forest fund, signed an agreement on cooperation for the fire-prevention measures and the organization of forest fires with 30 municipalities. In addition, 10 municipalities signed agreements on cooperation in the exercise of authority to manage land plots adjacent to the lands of the forest fund. In general, participants recognized, forestries and forest edges are ready for a fire-dangerous season of 2016. 

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