Ecology and energy


The winner of the International competition of research works of Life Force Group

M. Selivanova, the tutor of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of the State Agrarian University, won the International R & D Contest on the evaluation of the potential of humic products and the effectiveness of their application in agriculture and nature protection technologies on the principles of organic, traditional and intensive farming.

The competition of scientific research was organized by Life Force Group, whose production for soil and plants currently involves two plants: Life Force LLC, Research & Production Enterprise in Russia and Life Force Baltic in Lithuania. The company's products are presented through highly specialized distributors in many countries, including the EU, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Nigeria, Benin, India, Vietnam, etc.

The competition, which was organized for the first time, was held as a part of the cluster of conferences of the CIS Regional Section of the International Humic Society (CISG IHO), the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and Life Force Group.

The general name of the events is the IV International CIS Conference of IHO on humic innovation technologies "From molecular analysis of humic substances - to nature-friendly technologies" (HIT-2017). The main part of the conference was organized on the basis of the Moscow State University.

The conference of young scientists "Application of innovative humic products in agriculture and environmental technologies" (LIFE FORCE-2017) was held on October 19 aboard the comfortable motor ship "Vatel" on the Moscow River, where more than 150 prominent Russian and foreign authoritative scientists in the field agrochemistry, soil science and ecology.

Closure of the scientific conference HIT-2017 and summarizing the International Competition of Young Scientists were held in the form of presentations and discussions, a platform was opened for the exchange of experience, knowledge and the establishment of business and scientific partnerships.

The winners included authors of 16 works, marked in three categories. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Production and Processing of Foodstuffs from Plant Raw Materials of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Maria Vladimirovna Selivanova with a scientific work on the theme "The Effectiveness of Life Force Products in Growing Vegetable Crops in Protected Soil of the 6th Light Zone" became the winner of one of the nominations and was awarded a cash prize, in the amount of 100 000 rubles.

According to Maria Vladimirovna, her work was a continuation of scientific research on the improvement of technologies for growing vegetable crops in protected soil conditions and was performed on the basis of the greenhouse complex of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

For reference:

Life Force® is an international brand that unites companies that specialize in solving environmental problems related to depletion of soil fertility, dehumification and disturbance of the humus balance. Life Force® fully confirms the quality and meets the requirements of farmers and gardeners around the world.

Under the Life Force® brand, products for soil and plants are produced, including: soil conditioners, potassium humates, germinating agents, anti-stress biostimulants, metabolic growth activators, and crop quality optimizers produced from natural humic acids. The source of humic acids are unique deposits of natural oxidized lignites (leonardite) and subbituminous coals in Siberia. 

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