Ecology and energy


For first-year students held an eco-quest "Save the planet"

On April 27 in the framework of the III youth festival in the field of ecology and sustainable development "Eco - fest - 2017" was held eco-quest "Save the planet", which was attended by over 30 first-year students of economic faculty and faculty of ecology and landscape architecture. Organized quest 3rd year students of the direction "Economics" profile "Economics of enterprises and organizations":.
The game participants had to complete five stations - "the Traveler", "Disposal", "New life", "Environmental quiz" and "end of the world". The students learned to distinguish edible plants from poisonous, in the form of a relay race to sort garbage, planted the plants, participated in a quiz and guessing the name of the movies on short stories. In the result the victory was gained by team of first-year students of the faculty of ecology and landscape architecture. Well-deserved awards were given to the winners in the nominations "the Most cohesive team", "The smartest team" and "Most creative team". All participants were awarded with diplomas and useful eco-friendly prizes.

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