Ecology and energy
Participation in Eco-fest-2017 has yielded results - 1st place among the regions. Participants won a very special prize – a set LEPLANTlevitatingplant (levitating plant) - this wonderful combination of nature and technology. The plant is floating in the air, slowly rotating, causing delight and admiration.
ECO-FEST-2017 results
In the framework of III Annual festival in the field of ecology and sustainable development departments of Economic theory and Ecology and landscape construction held an event devoted to summarizing the results. Cherednichenko O. A., told about Eco-Fest on the basis of Agrarian University. The students were active participants and initiators throughout the Festival, they were supervised by professors of both departments. The children also remembered, and shared with the audience their knowledge and experience.Participation in Eco-fest-2017 has yielded results - 1st place among the regions. Participants won a very special prize – a set LEPLANTlevitatingplant (levitating plant) - this wonderful combination of nature and technology. The plant is floating in the air, slowly rotating, causing delight and admiration.