Continuity of generations


"Gold fund of our time"

In the Stavropol State Agrarian University was held a ceremony of awarding II regional competition named Ivan Mikhailovich Zubenko for the best publication in local newspapers on agricultural topics in 2015.

Rector of SSAU V.I. Truhachev in his welcoming speech said that on the basis of the University is carried out a lot of events with the participation of representatives of the media, but a competition named after I.M. Zubenko occupies a special place among them. This year, the Stavropol corypheus of journalism, the teacher of several generations of elocutionists would be 80 years. There are many essays and articles, dedicated to the agricultural theme in the work of Ivan Zubenko.

- Today it is crucial to attend working people, - said V.I. Trukhachev. - We all come from the provinces, and understand what it means to work on the ground. In 2015 the competition was attended by 89 journalists of regional newspapers work of the Stavropol region. The winner was the article wording of agro-industrial department editor of "Primanychskie steppes" Galina Zolotareva of Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Hero of Labor of Stavropol, chairman of the kolkhoz Apanasenko Alexey Fedorovich Lavrinenko. Publication stung to the quick not only its countrymen but also everybody who read it. We, the organizers of the contest: Stavropol State Agrarian University and the regional branch of the Russian public organization "Russian Union of Journalists" - would like to express the wish that such journalistic materials about the leaders of agro-industrial enterprises, farms, farms have been as much as possible. These people - the "golden fund of our time"!

In remote rural areas, in contrast to the big city, its particular way of life, their priorities and world view as a whole. Regional newspapers have been and remain the center of attraction and unity of people. In villages, the newspaper continues to provide communion of people, awakening their interest in each other, to the world, to the topical issues of a small motherland. Such kind of newspaper is waiting for discussing its published articles and notes, referring to the editors with their needs, always find understanding, support and willingness to help, specifically expressed in new materials.

The festive event was attended by Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of Stavropol region I.O. Babkin, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol region V.P. Egorov, Head of the Department of Information Policy of the Stavropol Region Government Office V.M. Meleshihin, Chairman of the "Union of Russian Journalists" regional branch of the Russian public organization V.V. Balditsyn, Director General of the State Unitary Enterprise SK "Publishing house" Periodicals Stavropol S.N. Chipiga, editors and staff of regional newspapers.

Addressing the audience, V.P. Egorov told about the problems facing the agricultural complex of our region, noting the ideological significance of informing the population on how to solve these problems.

"Judging by the increased number of participants and materials, competition is growing in popularity, that cannot fail to please - said I.O. Babkin. – The subject of publications became wider." The jury noted the high professionalism of many authors, their desire to get to the essence of studied problems in the agricultural sector, the individual labor collectives. Much attention is manifested by the authors of publications to a person who is working on the ground - a bright, distinctive representatives of the Stavropol peasants. As a result, the jury, chaired by the Rector of SSAU V.I. Trukhachev distributed the prizes as follows: in the nomination "For the best publication on the modernization of agricultural production, the implementation of investment projects, the introduction of new technologies and best practices in the agricultural sector," the winner was G.V. Zolotareva- editor of the agro-industrial department of the newspaper "Primanychskie steppes" Apanasenkovsky area. It is the second year in a row is the winner in this category. She was awarded a diploma of the first degree, a cash prize and the title of "Laureate of I.M. Zubenko competition." Winners in this category are recognized: O.V. Kirichenko – the correspondent edition of socio-political newspaper "Iskra" foothill areas with the award of her diploma of the second degree, a cash prize and the rank of "Laureate of I.M. Zubenko competition"; V.G. Sadilov - the editorial correspondent of "Blagodarnensky news" Blagodarnensky area - with the presentation of his diploma of the third degree, a cash prize and awarding "I.M. Zubenko Laureate of competition" title. In the nomination "For the best publication on the achievements of labor veterans, managers, experts, representatives of the mass occupations of agricultural enterprises, private farms, peasant (farmer) economy, their contribution to the socio-economic development of metropolitan regions" the winner is A.I. Yakovenko, the editor of the newspaper "Dawn" of Turkmen district. He was awarded the first degree diploma, monetary prize and the title "Laureate of I.M. Zubenko competition." Prizes were awarded to: S.N. Kopanev, news editor of the newspaper "The Banner of Labor" Novoalexandrovsky district with the award of his diploma of the second degree, a cash prize and the rank of "Laureate of I.M..Zubenko competition"; I.G. Balmakov, editor of Manufacturing and agriculture newspaper "Zvezda of Kuban" of Kochubeevsky district with the award of his diploma of the third degree, a cash prize and awarding "I.M. Zubenko Laureate of competition" title. In the nomination "For the best publication dedicated to the problems of social development of rural areas," the winner was Y.N. Yolhin, the editor of the newspaper " Petrovsky news" of Petrovsky district. He was awarded a diploma of the first degree, a cash prize and the title "Laureate of I.M. Zubenko competition." Winners in the third category: E.V. Kholyavko, the editor of the newspaper "Dawn" of Arzgirsky district with the award of his diploma of the second degree, a cash prize and the rank "Winner of the contest named I.M. Zubenko" and G.H. Salimov, the newspaper "St. George News" correspondent of the St. George area with handing him the third degree diploma, monetary prize and the assignment of "Laureate of contest I.M.Zubenko" title.

In addition to those awarded the jury found it necessary to encourage active participation in the competition and present the Letter of thanks the following the editorial staff of regional newspapers: A.I. Akimenko, editor of the agro-industrial department of the newspaper "Steppe Dawns" Ipatovsky district, V.S. Afanasyeva, a correspondent for the newspaper "Rural newground» Krasnogvardeysky district, S.S. Degtyareva, correspondent of the newspaper " Gergievsky news" E.V. Ivanov, photo correspondent of the newspaper "Blagodarnensky news" N.N. Klimchenko, deputy editor of the newspaper "Dawn" Arzgirsky district.

Winners and nominees were congratulated by student creative teams of SSAU: show-ballet "stylish things", vocal group "Provence", winner of various singing competitions, winner of the title "The Golden Voice of Agrarian" Svetlana Sevastyanova.

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