Continuity of generations


Seminar for curators in SSAU

Within the framework of the project "School-seminar for curators of academic groups" there took place a seminar for curators of SSAU dedicated to preparation for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory and the 85th anniversary of Stavropol State Agrarian University. The head of the Department for Educational Work and Social Affairs T.I. Gun'ko familiarized the participants with the main military-patriotic events of Stavropol Territory. These are patriotic youth projects and actions run by the students of our university - the project "Children of War", "After them streets are named", the action "Back to the past." The university-wide competition of creative works "The Great Patriotic War through the eyes of today's youth" has recently started. Special attention was paid to their documentation providing.

Curators also raised urgent questions of educational work related to the prevention of drug addiction, crime and extremism among students. They stressed that prevention activities among the students are one of the priorities. In addition to special events, it is necessary to engage students in a variety of projects of a healthy lifestyle, social and creative activity. 

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