Continuity of generations


Competent young experts are necessary to Stavropol villages

The first-year students of SSAU who have arrived under the program of a target set from east areas of Stavropol Territory, have taken part in dialogue with the Governor V.V.Vladimirov who has taken place in the regional Government.

Rectors of higher educational institutions, regional heads, and representatives of the governor in municipal unions participated in a meeting. The program of a target set in higher educational institutions to Stavropol Territory works for two years. Thus the number of budgetary places increases. So, current academic year the target set in six leading high schools of Stavropol Territory has made nearby 1000 persons that almost twice more than one year ago.

- Stavropol Territory – the youth region, - has told the Governor. – we have more than 50 high schools, more than 120 thousand students, employment of graduates exceeds 77 %. The Stavropol villages especially now need competent young experts. Therefore it is necessary for children to get good education and to come back home to work in this profession.

The chairman of the Council of rectors of high schools of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Rector SSAU V. I. Truhachev, continuing dialogue, has noticed, it is necessary to begin from manufacture. At agrarian university 172 persons from east areas of region and they can use all base of university including 83 practical laboratories of study. «The Rector team is ready to render full assistance to each of you in quality education reception, - V.I.Truhachev has told. – you should come back to the native earth, study and work with belief in tomorrow». Also the Rector has thanked heads of the economy assisting students of SSAU in passage of practice at agricultural manufacture, to the heads of areas supporting movement of student's brigades, opening at schools of agrotechnological classes.

In turn young men have asked the Governor some question which concerned prospects of the further employment, responsibility of employers before young experts, maintenance with their living.

The student of 1 course of faculty veterinary medicine of SSAU Alexandra Naumenko has taken an interest in social guarantees which are given to the young experts disaccustomed in high school in a target direction. The Governor has assured the girl and all present that all social guarantees of the enterprise are obliged to carry out is a zone of responsibility, including, and the authorities.

- The format in which today with us spoke the Governor, the Minister of Education, our Rector, has to confidence that in the future we are having support from the authorities, and the salary at us will be worthy, and living will be good. Now the main thing - to get education, it is good to study, - has commented the student of 1 course of faculty of agrobiology and land resources Timothy Kits. – In our family 12 persons – graduates of the Stavropol agrarian university. Eight - have ended agronomy faculty (now it is faculty of agrobiology and land resources), and all work on a specialty. As for me, I know where to work, so I did not want other profile of training. I will be the agronomist, I want to help economy, to lift agricultural branch in the area and region.

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