Continuity of generations


Results of competition of creative works devoted to the Great Patriotic War

Within the celebration of the 70 anniversary of Victory of Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War in the Stavropol state agrarian university competition of student's creative works "The Great Patriotic War eyes of modern youth" took place. The competition purpose – preservation of memory of Great Victory, patriotism development through involvement of students in creative process.

Participants of competition represented works on five nominations. More than hundred works were estimated by a contest committee which representatives were from the Department of educational work and social problems, scientific library of university, department of philosophy and history, chair of foreign languages.

Following the results of commission meeting the winners were defined in the nominations:

Nomination "Literary Works in Prose and Essay"

1 place-Jana Nikonova (Accounting and finance faculty);

2 place-Anastasiya Artyushenko (Faculty of technological management), Alina Gal′kova (Faculty of Economics);

3 place-Elizaveta Grabovenko (Faculty of farm mechanization).

Nomination: "Literary works in verse"

1 place-Malysheva Maria (author's poem "in his native village under fire of the candles"; Faculty of veterinary medicine).

2 place-Alina Muradova (author's poem "war ... how much means the word "; Faculty of ecology and landscape architecture), Igor Vyatkin (« For heroes of the war, the author's poem; the Faculty of ecology and landscape architecture);

3 place-Maxim Berdiev (E. Asadov “Letter to veteran "; Electric Power energy faculty).

Nomination "Art posters and pictures"

1 place-Irina Neporozhnya, the winner of the audience award (Faculty of ecology and landscape architecture);

2 place-Pavel Zarudnev (Faculty of veterinary medicine);

3 place-Ekaterina Zaverza (Faculty of Economics), Stella Allahverdân (Faculty of Economics).

Nomination "Photography"

1 place-Natalia Radaeva (Accounting and finance faculty);

2 place-Victoria Svetlichnaya (Accounting and finance faculty);

3 place-Anna Bondareva (Faculty of Economics), Valeria Efimova (Faculty of social-cultural service and tourism).

Nomination "Best media-presentation"

Winner-Ivan Dmitriev (Electric Power Energy Department).

Winners and prize-winners of the nomination "Literary Works in Verses" became participants of the regional action "My Voice for the World" which passed within the action Victory Banner. They took part and in reading on radio poems of famous poets, and also the author's compositions. In days of celebration of the 70 anniversary of Victory their voice sounded on waves of radio stations "Hit FM", "Gold Compass", "Russian Radio", "Road Radio", etc.

The best competitive works of participants of the nomination "Art Posters and Drawings" were presented to the exhibition in Scientific library of University.

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