Continuity of generations


Regional winners of student production teams rally received invitations to SSAU

From 26 to 28 June in the village Kazinka of Stavropol Territory there was 47 boundary rally of student production teams. The opening ceremony was attended by the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov who was in the region with the working visit of, the governor of the Stavropol Territory, Vladimir Vladimirov, rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev.

Addressing the participants of the rally, the head of the Ministry of Education reminded that it was the Stavropol region, village Grigoropolisskaya Novoaleksandrovsk Area 61 years ago became the birthplace of the production of student movement, which later became widespread throughout the country.

- Today it is an important means of education and early professional orientation of students. It is important to include from grades 5-7 students in productive activities. This problem is solved by the movement that you have in common, - said Dmitry Livanov.

He also noted the important role of schools in forming the quality of life in rural areas. This is an important center of intellectual and cultural development of rural areas and the preservation of a system of schools in them is an absolute priority. Modern technologies allow to successfully carry out this task, - said the minister.

- I see in you the future of Russia. In a student production movement is reserve development of our region and the whole country. It helps to raise the quality which are the characteristic feature of our people: love to work and to our native land. I consider it is important that you pass this school, - appealed to the participants of the rally Vladimir Vladimirov.

He remembered that when he was a schoolboy he also took part in the student's production team.

The winning teams will be rewarded with traditional agricultural techniques, and the best participants - on concessional terms will be able to enroll in Stavropol State Agrarian University.

As noted at the opening ceremony the rector of the university Vladimir Trukhachev, on the initiative of governor of the Territory in 2015, 10 winners of the contest will be able to be enrolled in the University of the target set, that is, without the competition.

The regional rally of student production teams 2015 participated 260 students from all parts of Stavropol Territory. During the three days we have been tested in a competition of professional skill of agricultural specialties.

And on June 28 it became known winners of the rally, which the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev handed the coveted prize - an invitation to enroll in the Agrarian University without the competition. 

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