Continuity of generations


Round date in the history of the motherland

The 100th anniversary of the February and October revolutions in Russia will become in 2017

Year of the century of two revolutions - a good occasion to recall how an event in the history of a country can be a turning point for the world history as a whole. These major secular date still require some rethinking because the events had a tremendous impact on the development of the peoples of the planet. In addition, more than 70 years millions of our fellow citizens in three generations celebrated November the 7th as the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. It was considered the main holiday of the country.

By the anniversary historical dates employees of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Library have prepared a number of activities for students and teachers.

In the media center, the reading room and a museum of rare books Scientific Library of framed book there is the exhibition "The February and October revolutions in Russia: a view through the century". The exposition made books and journal articles from the library fund, local history material and materials about the personalities of the revolutionaries are represented here. The electronic version of the exhibition can be found on the website of the Scientific Library in the «Virtual Exhibition» revolyutsii-v-rossii

Employees of the information and bibliographic center also prepared a thematic bibliography. It includes bibliographic descriptions of books, articles and magazines from the collections of the February and October revolutions of 1917 in Russia. This publication marked thematic sections «Stavropol during the revolution» and «People». This can be found in the bibliographic information center (Rm. 90), the reading room and on the website of the Scientific Library of SSAU in «Bibliographic Index»

Thanks to selected literature every reader will be able to experience the atmosphere of the largest Russian twentieth-century political events that influenced the further course of еру world history and completely changed the political map of the world. 

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