Continuity of generations


65 years for the Faculty of farm mechanization

On May 29 the 65 anniversary was celebrated by faculty of farm mechanization of SSAU. Solemn meeting in honor of this event took place in drama theater by Lermontov. Only this hall could contain a huge number of graduates, students and friends of faculty, coming to congratulate it with anniversary.

In a hall management of the Stavropol state agrarian university, representatives of the regional government and Duma of Stavropol Krai, city administration, colleagues and, of course, graduates. And representatives of all graduate courses from very first which was in 1955 to graduates of 2014 came to anniversary! The Dean of faculty A.T. Lebedev suggested to remember old tradition of faculty and called the graduates from all courses.

And then the veterans of faculty who taught not one generation of engineers went to the scene. Among them and participants of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of work. The hall welcomed everyone standing ovations and all were handed memorable medals of faculty.

Among graduates of faculty and those who directs krai today. Among them Chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Krai, honorary academician of the International academy of agrarian education, honored worker of agriculture of the Russian Federation, k.s-h.n, graduate of 1968 Yury Vasilyevich Bely; Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai, honored worker of agriculture of the Russian Federation, graduate of 1977 Alexander Vasilyevich Martychev; First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai, Cand.Tech.Sci., graduate of 1981 Sergey Dmitriyevich Ridny; chairman of committee on agrarian questions and food of the Duma of Stavropol Krai, honourable citizen of Stavropol Krai, honored worker of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Cand.Econ.Sci., graduate of 1977 Alexander Akimovich Shiyanov; honored worker of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Hero of work of Stavropol Krai, CEO of JSC Agrokhleboprodukt, Cand.Econ.Sci., graduate of 1965. Vladimir Fedorovich Garkusha; honored worker of transport of the Russian Federation, Hero of work of Stavropol Krai, CEO of the Stavropol center of standardization and metrology, candidate of sociological sciences, graduate of 1977 Valery Georgiyevich Zerenkov; deputy of the Supreme Council of RSFSR and Russian Federation, academician of Academy of agrarian education, honourable citizen of Stavropol Krai, Hero of Social Work, graduate of 1960 Alexander Alekseevich Shumsky.

Also the graduates of faculty who are nowadays heading large-scale enterprises and farms, administrations of regions of krai who became professors, managers of the chairs stepped on the stage this day. And the medals "Glory and Pride of University" were handed to the best students of faculty.

Creative gifts to anniversary were presented by the students and graduate students who made the best performances. 

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