Continuity of generations


The final of the literary competition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in great Patriotic War

On April 22, 2015 was held the final of the University's literary contest, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in world war II. The winners were: 1st place – Maria Malysheva (faculty of veterinary medicine, 4 course, group 1) author's poem "In his native village, under the flame of a candle"; 2 place – Alina Gal'kova (economic faculty, 2 year, 3 group) with creative work, "a letter to a veteran"; 3rd place – Alina Muradova with the author's poem (faculty of ecology and landscape architecture, 1 year, group 2) "War... How much this word means"; the prize of spectator sympathies – Berdiyev Maxim (the faculty of electrical engineering, 1 year, 3 group) with a poem "a letter from the front" Eduard Asadov. The first round of competition was held in two directions: the first direction is poetic: students of all faculties read the author's poems Soviet poets of the war; the second direction is prosaic: the students of our University have written more than 300 warm and sincere letters to the veterans of our region. 21 letter was sent to the veterans working at the University, and the remaining letters in the framework of the regional action "Mail generations." The organizers of the competition were associate professor, foreign languages Department, O. A. Chudnova, Zorina E. B., Filimonov O. I. and the staff of the Department on educational work and social work SSAU.

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