Sports and health


The first round of Student's football league of SSAU has come to the end

In SSAU the Student's football league of university to which have submitted applications of 12 teams started. In the first round fight was entered by more than 120 football players.

The intensity of emotions has begun already in the first match where combined LDF and FC "Studprofkom" have met. The match has come to the end with the score 7:3 in favor of activists of student trade-union committee. Gate of the rival were punched by Ishkinyaev, Redkin, Kudryashev, Hodzhayan, N. Golovin. The second game between football clubs "Combined EIST" and "Fortress" has turned out generous on goals. The victory was won by football players of FC "Krepost" with the score 12:4. Balls on Olkhovsky, Danilov, Yushkov, Mamadzhokhov, Kucherenko, Batayev, Lebedev and Fomenko's account. The third game has taken place between the Spark teams - "Leader". Football players of FC "Iskra" have won with the score 8:3. Points in a moneybox of players: Tomilin, Pavlovich, Spasibov, Denisov, Maksimenko, Strelnikov, Sagaydakh, Aldoshin. In the fourth match football players of FC "Fors-Mazhor" and FC "Agrobit" have met. Game has turned out very spectacular, the victory in the heaviest ending of a match with overweight in one ball was pulled out" by football players "the Swagger - the Major". A meeting result - 5:4. Football players have caused a stir: Gazaryan, Pyontyk, Iskenderov, Anosov, Krivov, Ayvazov. The fifth game has taken place between teams of FC "ChP" and FK "Libertyclub". In difficult fight against the score 9:7 the team of FC "ChP" has won. Goals in a match were scored Kotov, Centurions, by Moskalenko, Pinkov, Akopyan, Mukhtarov, Turchenkov.

«Assorti» and «Legion» teams have finished competitive day. The final score 10:3 in favor of "Allsorts". The ball to gate of the rival was sent by Kvachev, Martirosov, Batishchev, Gridin, Oreshin, Buckets, Kalinichenko, Tkachenko, Korotkov, Sheptev, Korobko.

Results of the first round of Student's Football League of SSAU are that. Ahead new matches, spectacular, intense, emotional.

Come to support football players of favorite teams, to splash out adrenaline in the stands of fans and to receive a good sports charge! 

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