Sports and health


Sports News: Congratulations to our winners!

Winning of the mini-football team of SSAU in the final of Stavropol championship and winning of the basketball teams in the next round of the championship!

Mini football

April 30, 2015 the mini-football team of Stavropol State Agrarian University won the final match of the championship of Stavropol with a score - 5: 1! The game is played with a strong opponent of the FC "Izobilnoye." With pride, we note that our guys confirmed for the second year the status of the strongest team in the city! Trainers are Vyacheslav Mozgovoy and Sergey Pirozhkov.


May 4th the team of Stavropol State Agrarian University beat the team of Stavropol Molzavod in the next round of the championship with the score 76:65! This victory enabled our team to reach the final of the championship of the region, which will be held May 9 in SSAU. Coach - Elena Chebotova.

Congratulations to the team and the coaching staff! We know how hard it is given to you! We wish you good health, good luck!

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