Sports and health


GTO is a force! Sport is our life! Our Russia, you will win!

For the decision of this problem the modern sports constructions are necessary convenient for playing sports and physical training, including on open air.

The sports base created at Agrarian University has optimum conditions for employment by physical culture and sports. The new modern all-weather athletic fields recently opened on the territory SSAU, form good base for carrying out trainings, competitions, delivery of norms GTO.

The Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I. Trukhachev at the meeting with student's activists has told, that « good traditions need to be revived. All best should get accustomed at our University and become a basis of new kind affairs ». Organizers of the first test delivery of norms GTO: sport student club “Kolos”, the department of physical training, the center of the aesthetical training of students – are assured that this measure will become mass, and the numbers of children for whom “GTO – this is force! Sport – this is life!” they will be steadily grown, and GTO will become for them step into large sport. 

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