Sports and health


Final of Stavropol basketball championship was opened at agricultural university sports complex

Fourth Cup finalists of Stavropol Territory in basketball among men's teams at the weekend meet in the game room of SSAU sports complex. There are two teams from Stavropol - basketball players of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and a team of "Teploseti", as well as teams from Yessentuki and Nevinnomysskiy "Arnest".

The President of boundary basketball federation D.V. Lohanskiy thanked SSAU rector, deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Territory, the Hero of Labor of Stavropol V.I.Trukhachev for hosting the tournament "on the basis of the best agricultural university in the country." On behalf of the organizers of the tournament, he gave Vladimir Ivanovich Diploma "For contribution to the development of basketball in Stavropol region, education of young people and promoting a healthy lifestyle."

Even the flooring is not simple in SSAU game room duplicated rubber substrate, which allows mixing contact with the solid surface in the case if a player falls. Made with concern for the sportsmen, and tailored to the students, to save their health and development, however, as all of the university.

Players and fans were cheered by the first deputy chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory Dmitriy Nikolaevich Sudavtsov, Minister of Physical Education and Sports Stavropol Territory Roman Kimovich Markov, Chairman of the Duma Committee of the region on Budget Igor Vasilievich Andryushchenko, chairman of the Duma Committee of the region on Culture, Youth Policy, Physical Culture and means media Elena Veniaminovna Bondarenko and cavalier of three orders of Courage, the deputy chairman of the Duma committee of the region on legislation, state construction and local self-government, a member of the security committee, interparliamentary relations, veterans' organizations and the Cossacks Sergei Arnoldovich Shevelev.

On the 21 st of May SSAU team plays with "Arnest", and Essentuki face off with "Teploset". On the 22nd

of May will be plays for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

All fans and basketball amateurs are waiting for performances of Stavropol creative groups, as well as contests and prizes. Movie tickets, balls and T-shirts will be played off. 

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