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Drug enforcement agency of the Stavropol Territory noted activists of Agricultural University by letter of thanks

The activists of the volunteer group "TOLK" of Stavropol State Agrarian University awarded a letter of gratitude by chief of Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation of Russia in the Stavropol Territory, Police Lieutenant General A.P. Klimenchenko for the successful implementation of the regional anti-drug project "Do not deprive yourself of tomorrow" and development in the Stavropol region of anti-drug volunteer movement.

Stavropol State Agrarian University and Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation of Russia in the Stavropol Territory have a long-term cooperation on the prevention of drug abuse among young people. The university held a great number of preventive anti-drug activities.

Among them are the activities of the all-Russian action "Report where they sell death", an exhibition of posters "Stop addiction together", a series of lectures of teachers of faculty of law "Criminal liability for crimes in the sphere of drug trafficking," the mandatory preventive conversations with employees of Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation of Russia in the Stavropol Territory and so forth.

The significant proof of the effectiveness university activities of drug prevention was the victory in 2015 in the annual All-Russian competition of the Federal Service for Drug Control for the best student work in media devoted to the anti-drug issues, "Golden Pen" .In the same year the university was recognized as a winner of the regional competition "Territory free from dependency" for the better organization of preventive work in educational institutions of Stavropol Territory.

In April 2015, the activists of the volunteer group "TOLK" have been trained under the program "If I do not, then who?" Of the Third All-Russian Internet - lesson "I have the right to know", which also is supported by Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation of Russia in the Stavropol Territory, and was the starting point for the creation of the project "Do not deprive you of tomorrow." Children not only gained knowledge on the prevention of drug abuse, but also were the only participants in the program "If not me, then who? », that embody the acquired knowledge in a real project.

Let us remind that the project "Do not deprive you of tomorrow" is a grantee of the North Caucasian Youth Forum "Mashuk-2015", the main objective of the project is the prevention of drug abuse among schoolchildren through regional volunteer gatherings. The project covered more than 1,500 participants aged 11 to 18 years from different parts of the Stavropol Territory.

In May 2016 the project ended with a solemn awarding of winners of the regional contest "Do not deprive you of tomorrow."

N.S. Ostroverkhova is Russian Federal Service Officer Drug Control stressed the special importance of the project and expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation.

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