Sports and health


Festival of fitness aerobics became a holiday of grace and beauty

Traditional aril festival on fitness aerobics among the teams of the SSAU departments was a real feast of grace and beauty.

Five teams presented two compositions in the well-equipped sports complex of Agrarian University. Discerning jury assessed the compulsory and optional programs, awarding points for originality, plastic, grace, synchronicity and the force components, because performances of mixed teams are the most interesting as they allow men demonstrate the strength and agility in fitness aerobics.

Team of Faculty of Economics was recognized the strongest, the second place was taken by the athletes of Agrobiology and Land Resources Faculty and Environment and Landscape Architecture Faculty.

On the third step of the podium climbed the students of the Faculty of Technological Management. "This is a great achievement for the team, which began training last year. But regardless of the place, each team presented to the audience the original, fiery speeches and demonstrated real skill in this kind of sport ", - said Ivetta Tarasenko, the assistant professor of Physical Education and Sport Department.

Fourth place went to Accounting and Finance Faculty, the fifth – Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture.

According to Tarasenko I.R., based on the results of the festival team of SSAU is formed; it will defend the honor of the university in the regional and inter-regional competitions.

In recent years, a spectacular and emotional cheer-sport is gaining popularity. It combines dance acrobatics elements (dance, gymnastics and acrobatics). Cheer-sport successfully accompanies many sporting events, enhances entertainment, and promotes the versatile and harmonious physical development.

Cheer-sport combines dance and acrobatics.

Acrobatics includes pyramids, jumping, ringing and clear chants, pom-poms and incredible dynamics.

Dance consists of beautiful movements, unusual choreography, gymnastic splits, and fiery energy.

Cheer-sport competitions are held on the All-Russian, European and global sca

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