Sports and health


XIII Freshman Cup racing is go on

Our freshmen continue to emerge as a true athlete during the sports tournaments in the traditional high school freshmen Cup, which started on 20 of September. For students of all faculties and courses at SSAU there are a lot of competitions. And the results of the last three competitions in the following sports.

Mini-soccer (22.09)

Victory shared teams of two faculties - Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management.

Silver medalist became Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources.

In the bronze pedestal - Electric Power Engineering Faculty.

Kettlebell lifting (27.09)

In team competitions, "Gold" won the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources.

2nd place went to Accounting and Finance Faculty, 3rd - Faculty of Farm Mechanization.

From a personal competitions the first place went to:

• Rudakova Valentina, weight 63 kg (ALR);

• Robakidze Bichiko, weight 73 kg (ALR);

• Oganyants Arsen, weight 85 kg (VM);

• Ruslan Cherkasov, weight 105 kg (AFF);

• Denis Kotov, weight 105 kg (FMF).

Armwrestling (28.09)

Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources team was the winner of the competition.

At the 2 nd place was Accounting and Finance Faculty, the third place went to the faculties of Technological Management and Veterinary Medicine.

From a personal competitions the first place went to:

• Shayhova Karina, weight 60 kg (ALR);

• Asirbabayan Khachik, weight 60 kg (FMF);

• Temerzov Aslan, weight 80 kg (AFF);

• Ruslan Cherkasov, weight 105 kg (AFF);

• Oganyants Arsene, weight 80 kg (VM).

We are waiting for the new sports victories, because Freshman Cup competitions continue! 

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