Sports and health


V Stavropol Territory Basketball Championship was opened by victory

SSAU Men's basketball team won the fight with the "Boar" 66:62.

In the sports complex of Stavropol State Agrarian University on October 29th there was opening of V regional championship on basketball among 17 men's teams, production teams, cities and municipalities in the Cup of the Governor of Stavropol Territory.

Parade of Championship opening was held in a festive atmosphere with a large number of spectators and in the presence of distinguished guests. Among them: the Chairman of the Committee on Ecology and Environment of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, co-chairman of the public movement of the Central Staff of the Russian Popular Front, Olga Timofeeva; Minister of Physical Education and Sports of Stavropol Territory Roman Markov; boundary MP, holder of three Orders of "Courage" Sergey Shevelev; General Director of JSC "Dairy plant Stavropol ", member of the Public Chamber of Stavropol Territory Sergey Anisimov; executive director of the network of stores and digital home appliances "CSN" Konstantin Sidorenko.

On the opening day of the Championship for the title of the best men's basketball team of the Territory began to fight nine teams of "Stavropol" division: "Heating system", "SSAU", "Infa", "Kraybolnitsa", "RBM-electric automation", "DPS", "Youth-Gazprom "- all from Stavropol and " Rus "," Boar " from Mikhailovsk. Game was judged by one of the best basketball referees - Andrey Andreev (Pyatigorsk), which serves the games of nationwide level.

In the first game "Infa", won "Rus" (the score 93:98). In the second game team of "SSAU" won " Boar" team (Mikhailovsk) with a score of 66:62. In the third game, "medical" of "Kraybolnitsa" team won "Youth-Gazprom" (60:36). "DPS" in the fourth game won "RBM-Electroavtomatika" (71:63).

Festive game day was decorated by various competitions for the fans, nice gifts from partners of the Basketball Federation of Stavropol Territory and catchy music from DJs.

According to the organizers of the championship, the competition moved to a new, much higher quality level, with the support of the Agrarian University.

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