

"Safety School" for students of Stavropol State Agrarian University from society "Knowledge"

1st year student of economic faculty September 15, 2016 met with a representative of the Stavropol regional branch of the All-Russian public-state educational organization "Russian society" Knowledge ", candidate of historical sciences Konstantin Kudryashov, who told them about the phenomenon of terrorism - the main threat of the 21st century.

In accordance with the socially important project "Safety School" similar meetings on a comprehensive security and prevention of terrorism and extremism, were also held for students of the first and second courses of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization and the Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism.

Konstantin told the guys about the essence of the concepts of terrorism and extremism, presented visual material. According to the lecturer, extremism and terrorism in all their manifestations have become one of the most dangerous challenges that humanity has entered in the XXI century.

Kidnapping, hostage-taking, bomb explosions, acts of violence in the ethnic and religious conflicts, direct threats to their implementation, - terrorism poses a real threat to the national security of the country, where it manifests itself. The problem of countering terrorism and extremism - it is one of the most important tasks of ensuring security at the state level and in the Russian Federation.

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