Dear Colleagues!
We are pleased to invite you to take part in-absentia in the First All-Russian scientific and practical conference with the international participation "Methods and means of increasing of technological processes efficiency in agrarian and industrial complex: experience, problems and prospects".
The conference will be held on April 24-25, 2013 and will take place in a remote format. Materials of conference will be published in the collection of scientific articles and dispatched to authors.
The international ISBN index, UDC and BBK codes is appropriated to the collection of materials of conference.
The organizing committee made decisions:
- about registration of the collection of materials of conference in the RINTs database located in the integrated scientific information resource "Scientific Electronic Library", without providing access to full texts of theses of reports;
- about the recommendation of the best articles for the publication in the quarterly scientific and practical magazine «Vestnik APK Stavropolya» entering into the list of leading reviewed scientific magazines and editions in which the main scientific results of theses on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor and the candidate of science have to be published.
The conference is intended to be interdisciplinary. Proposals for new, original, and previously unpublished papers are welcome from scholars in all relevant academic disciplines, including from doctoral students who have advanced to candidacy.
The deadline for receipt of papers is April 22, 2013.
Mailing of the collection of materials will take place within 1 month on completion of conference.
The registration fee for is: 150 RUR for one page of the author's text. Payment of an organizational contribution guarantees receiving 1 copy of the collection of materials of conference (additional collections – 150 rub).
The conference seeks to highlight new research on such topics and issues as:
1 . Nonconventional power sources in agriculture
2 . Electric equipment and electrotechnologies in agroindustrial complex
3 . Experience of the organization and carrying out power asessement of the enterprises
4 . Problems of increasing of electric networks reliability
5 . IT in agroengineering
6 . Safe living and ecology problems at the agrarian enterprises
7 . New problems of agroengineering education in the conditions of membership of Russia in the WTO
8 . Foreign experience of increasing of technological processes energy efficiency in agroindustrial complex
9 . Actual problems of technical service in agroindustrial complex
10 . Mechanical systems and industrial process
11 . Processes and machinery in agrobusiness
12 . Actual problems of the livestock and food-processing enterprises
13 . Mobile power engineering
To Propose a Paper
To propose a paper, please consider the following requirements:
1 . Text format: Word for Windows – 95/97/2000. Margins: 2,5 cm from all directions. Orientation: Portrait, width alignment. Font size – 14, font type - Times New Roman. Text interval: 1,0. Paragraph space: 1,25 . Pages aren't numbered. Hyphenation isn't allowed. All drawings and charts have to be black-and-white in a *.CDR, *.WMF, *. TIFF, *.GIF format not larger than page setup and to be leveled – on the center. The name and numbers of drawings are aligned under drawings, names and numbers of tables – over tables (a font in tables and in drawings – not less than 12 пт). Formulas are prepared out in MS Equation.
2 . Thematic heading (section).
3 . The name (in Russian, is lower in English languages) is printed by capital letters, on the center, without transfers. Lower case letters: the Surname, the Name, Middle Name of the Author (COMPLETELY in Russian and English). On the next line – an occupation of each author. If all authors of article work in one organization, it is possible not to specify a place of work of each author separately. On the next line – an E-mail. Short-hands aren't allowed!
4 . Further, through a gap the summary in Russian and English (in italic letters).
5 . Below through a gap keywords (are brought in Russian and English) separate from each other by a semicolon.
6 . Further, through a gap – article text. Links to literature in square brackets. Article surely has to contain the list of references, which should be made out in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008.
Please submit:
1 . Materials for the publication.
2 . Questionnaire of the participant of conference.
3 . The scanned receipt of participation fee payment (after confirmation of reception of materials).
Materials of conference are to be sent to the organizing committee address on an e-mail: [email protected]
Letter subject: "Conference and section name".
Files are attached to the letter with materials for the publication and the questionnaire of the participant of conference.
When receiving materials, the organizing committee within 3 days sends to the address of the author(s) the letter "Materials are accepted". Those of the authors who sent materials by e-mail and haven't received confirmations of their receiving by organizing committee, are invited to duplicate the request.
The registration fee is not refunded in the following cases:
- if the author, having paid registration fee, didn't submit the materials within the specified terms;
- if the author, who didn’t receive confirmation of reception of materials, failed to duplicate the request.
Control dates:
Acceptance of the texts of articles till April 22, 2013 inclusive
Carrying out conference 24 – April 25, 2013.
The notice of the author on adoption of article to the publication within 3 days after receiving materials
Collection mailing May-June, 2013.
The registration fee may be paid with one of the following means:
1 . Payment through a bank transfer.
North Caucasian bank Sberbank of Russia
Stavropol office No. 5230
Additional office No. 5230/0132
Bank INN: 7707083893
BIK: 040702660
K/SCH: 30101810600000000660
CHECK POINT: 263402001
p/a 40817810560103611462
Or transfer to the card: 676196000128421287
2 . For registration fee payment through Yandex-money: account 410011767037738 with a mark "Payment of participation in conference + your full names". You pay the commission independently. Into the account in Yandex-Money the full sum of an registration fee has to arrive.
3. For registration fee payment through WebMoney make R351872565344 transfer into account with a mark "Payment of participation in conference + your full names": R351872565344.
Questionnaire of the author:
1. Surname, name, middle name of the author(s)
2. Article name
3. Number of pages
4. Section name
5. Work place (the full name of establishment, without reductions), the City
6. Position, scientific degree, academic status
7. The postal address (with an index) on which should be sent the collection
8. E-mail (if there are coauthors, e-mail addresses of each coauthor)
9. Contact Phone No.
10. Quantity of additional copies of the collection (1 additional copy of 150 rub)/
Contact phone: +7-918-746-17-16 Vakhtina Elena Arturovna, e-mail: [email protected]
Organizing committee address: 300017, Stavropol, Zootekhnichesky Lane 12, dean's office of Economic Faculty of STGAU, t. +7 (8652) 71-79-38.